
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Precious Trowel Recovered

Well - clearly all the karma my friends have been sending my way has translated into something good. I finally received my luggage yesterday from Air Canada. I'll be honest...I was amazed I got it. But not without some interesting things happening to it first.

While I was in Jordan, my IPOD broke (all the sand I think toasted it....which is ok, because I wanted to get an IPOD ITouch anyways!). So I put it in my bag to bring home so I could crack it open and see what the insides of an IPOD look like. Well - upon receiving my bag last night....lo and the joke is on whoever stole it out of my bag. Gotcha!

Most importantly, the fact that I got my trowel back. I have had that trowel ever since my first excavation in 1988 and aside from all of the other material in my was the only thing I was really upset about potentially losing (kinda trivial I know...but all of you archaeologists out there know what I am talking about).

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